Learning about nature in the park.

The school staff, the children and the parents of Gaeilscoil Laighean are currently working together to achieve the first flag of the Green Schools project.

For more information about the project please click the link below.

Green Schools

The children are learning about the importance of having a clean school enviornment that is free from rubbish. The children help to keep the school and the surround area litter free.

The children in Gaelscoil Laighean visit the local library regularly. it is an opportunity to learn about the local facilities available to them. Children walk with their teachers as the children understand that this is good for the enviornment.

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

Children of Gaelscoil Laighean are doing their best to do as much recycling as possible.

The children made art work from recycled cloth.

A Green School’s commite meeting.

The children sorting rubbish into the correct bins.

Gaelscoil Laighean went on a whole school trip to Forst School in Deer Park. The children spent the day learning about the local flora though interaction with the nature envrionment.

The junior classes took a trip to Glenroe Farm. The children loved interacting with and learning about the animals.